USM US History Grading Criteria

(geralt / Pixabay)

Boothbay Region High School Credit:

Students will be responsible for maintaining an average of 60% or above in the course. Grading is on the following criteria:, blogs (30%) and exams (70%). Students will not have the opportunity to redo any assignments* due to the pace and workload of the course. Students are expected to remain current on all assignments and are encouraged to seek assistance.

University of Southern Maine (USM) Credit:

Students are responsible for maintaining an average of 75% or above to gain consideration for college credit during each semester. Possible issuance of credit by USM is on the following criteria: successful acceptance of three examples of writing# submitted to a panel of professors for review and successfully passing the semester final paper/project created by the faculty of USM.

Boothbay Region High School, its administration and teaching faculty have no part in the final determination of whether college credit will be issued by USM.

* Students will have up to one week to revise their DBQ essays that may ultimately be submitted to USM.

# Students will write anywhere from five to six DBQ essays during the course of the semester and will choose their best three to be submitted.